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APRIL | MAY 2021: Update from Phillip and Clive

Child poverty means children who experience "deprivation of the material, spiritual and emotional resources needed to survive, develop and thrive, leaving them unable to enjoy their rights, achieve their full potential or participate as full and equal members of society" (UNICEF, 2005:18-190) It has always been about the children. It's why we do what we do. The future of every nation depends on the healthy development of the children. The plight of the children living in impoverished communities in South Africa is heartbreaking. One of the critical ways of breaking inter-generational poverty is by creating favourable environments that enable children to develop to their full potential. Our primary focus will always be to provide safe, nurturing environments for young children to play, learn, and fill their hungry bellies. Our goal? To improve their survival, growth, and development - equipping children who would otherwise be in the streets, hungry, to become future leaders.

Two new preschools In addition to our preschool in Kya Sand, Johannesburg, and our three preschools in Ndwedwe, near Durban, we have identified two new areas for preschools this year. And we are eager to start putting in the infrastructure - what comes first before the preschools can open - which looks like putting up fencing around the preschool grounds, installing a Jojo or water tank, toilets, a jungle gym. Then there's shipping containers or buildings to be built for classrooms and a kitchen, which needs equipping with a stove, pots and pans, tables, bowls, and spoons. All of this happens through donations from generous people like you.

Community Projects and Covid We continue to be very excited and very engaged in our community projects, like

  • Our second dam that's currently under construction

  • Our co-op farming project that grows produce to sell to local restaurants

  • Our start-up community micro-businesses: a bakery, beekeeping and block making

But we cannot take our eyes off what's most important - the children. And with the dire economic situation created by the Covid pandemic, there's even more hunger. We are now using four boxes of Rise Against Hunger meals a week at our feeding program in Soweto alone, feeding well over 100 meals a day. Although South Africa has started rolling out vaccines to those 60 and over, our daily Covid cases are rising once again. We are grateful that overall, as a country, the number of cases per person is still low and more predominantly in affluent areas, not so much in the areas we serve. But the rise in numbers will hamper economic recovery and leave more people in need, more children hungry. We are ever so thankful for those of you who have continued to support feeding our children throughout this pandemic. We could not do it without you.

South Africa Happy Hour Even though we can't be together right now, we wanted to share this opportunity offered by our friend, Steve Hromadka.

Have you been on a GO trip to South Africa? Here’s your chance to connect with other past SA GO trippers for some fun and laughter sharing about our South Africa experiences while enjoying a South African wine or drink. Located in Mt. Adams, World Glass Bar is a casual, comfortable neighborhood bar.

Founded by fellow South Africa GO tripper and world traveller Steve Hromadka, whose vision is for people to experience the world through sharing stories over a glass of their worldwide selection of beers, wines, and cocktails. Please stay safe, and keep in touch! Phillip & Clive

Thank you for your continued support of our mission!

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